Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Homemade Tomato Soup with Crackers

Hello again!

So, first of all, no, I didn't make the crackers myself. I have no shame, there is nothing wrong with shop bought crackers. Okay, I will say that anything homemade is always (sometimes... depending on whether you have made it before (: ) better!

I'm a big fan of using every little last bit of food and everything., hence this soup.

Now, My father whom I don't mention a lot, in fact this is the first post I think I have mentioned him?? Huh, how about that!? For any of you who don't know, he is dead. Simple as.

I have come to the conclusion that this is my father's influence on me, using every last bit of things. Try as he might to get me to play a musical instrument, like the piano, trumpet, recorder even, nope, it was his stingy and savvy ways when it came to money that rubbed off. Again, hence this soup.

You see, as you all will know, last week I finished my very first catering gig on a film set! Brilliant and all that- really loved it and can't wait to do it again if I ever get the chance! You all know how much I loved it! Anyway, I had some tomatoes left over and they needed using- so I started making salsa and it turned out as a soup, and then more of a consommé. I know, erratic or what!? Talk about chopping and changing. (PUN ALERT! Chopping- as in chopping tomatoes)

This soup is more of a consommé as I strained it and it is thin and slightly more see-through and shiny than your normal, everyday soup for a weeknight. It is full of flavour, has depth and a slight spice to it. It is my own recipe- yes yes, deep out of the brain of Ciara. This recipe was concocted from within the depths and paths that are erected within my unique and playful mind.

My mind is made up of two worlds. One is filled with experimentation with food, innuendo and a laugh so dirty your washing machine would cry. The other is ruled by the zurg (Toy Story) of Ciara Land. It is called Worry. I am a worrywart- it is why I could never be a doctor, as I am also a hypochondriac. I would be saying a patient had a numerous amount of aliments, when in reality all they have is Sinusitis.

The Ingredients that you'll be needing for the soup are;

- 4 packets of 6 large tomatoes- these are the huge ones. The salad ones, I think they are known as? Either way, chop them in half and then into three.

- 2 large red bell peppers; chopped into chunks. Although, I actually just ripped them as it was the juice I was needing. Meaning no pretty and neat chopping was required. :)

- A few shakes Garlic granules- My sister will hate me for this- always says 'Use fresh garlic!!' Well- strangely we didn't have any...

- A few twists of Salt and Pepper (this really depends on your flavour preferences. I did about three each throughout the soup making, tasting as I went along)

- 1 glug Worcestershire sauce

- Sunflower Oil

- 3 tsp Italian Seasoning

- 1 tsp Paprika

- A few of the little, delicate center leaves of Basil- fresh, ripped and chucked in the pot at the end

Now what you need to do to make the soup is;

Heat the oil in a deep, non-stick pot on a high heat on the hob. Mine was at 5- this is the highest heat.

Chuck the chopped tomatoes into the heated pot and boil away and reduce them for around 40 minutes, until they look all soggy and sad.

Now you want to add the salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, paprika, garlic and worcestershire sauce. Mix all of these into the tomatoes and let them simmer away and develop in flavour.

Put the peppers into the pot now, along with the mushed up tomatoes. Check the seasoning as it might need a little salt or more pepper or any of the sauces or seasonings.

Leave this to boil rapidly for 30 minutes until you can smell all the ingredients and the house is filled with the aroma of tomato and all those other wonderful ingredients. If you are the one cooking it, you probably won't smell anything really as it is harder to smell what you are cooking when you are constantly around it I think. But the person or people in the house with you will. So join in, go around the block for a walk and then when you return- POW! The smell will hit you like a fist in the face. Although I sincerely hope you do not get a fist in the face- this is purely hypothetical and being used as a simile.

Now the soup/ consommé . I'm gonna start calling it a consommé as that is what is kind of is. It is my version of a consommé.  Ciara's Consommé! I like that! :)

Now you want to get a soup whisk thing. You know those devices that go yem, yem yem yem yem yem, like a chainsaw? That thing, it is a stick shape and blitzes it- maybe it is called a blitzer? Blitz the soup until it is lumpy, but broken down to one mix and not just a lot of hot veg, swimming in a liquid, tomato bath.

So go and get yourself a large glass bowl, that is deep enough to hold a decent amount of liquid. Set a sieve on top of this and with care, as I splattered the soup all over the wall, no really I did.

See all the lumpy and slightly gritty stuff that comes away when straining. Well- word of advice, don't do what I did and just chuck it back into a pot with some of the leftover liquid... Bad things will happen! #IthinkIneedtopaintthekitchennow

Anyway, slowly pour the liquid into the sieve and allow the juice to drip out, leaving the lumpy mulch in the sieve. You can help it along, by manipulating it out using a spoon and rocking it from side to side along the groove of the sieve.

The soup is complete! Finished! Done! Way-hey!

It is quite a thin consommé, as consommés generally are. So this would be a great addition to a dinner or just having as a drinkable lunch with a sandwich. Full of flavour and scrummy. Serve warmer, rather than cooler. :)

So, you lovely, loyal lot- I hope you have enjoyed reading about my homemade soup/ consommé  adventure and I hope you give it a whirl!?

Thanks again and have a lovely day!

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